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Engineering Chemistry notes pdf
Knowledge of basic concepts of Chemistry for Engineering students will help them as professional engineers later in design and material selection, as well as utilizing the available resources.
Learning Objectives:
• Plastics are nowadays used in household appliances; also they are used as composites (FRP) in aerospace and automotive industries.
• Fuels as a source of energy are a basic need of any industry, particular industries like thermal power stations, steel industry, fertilizer industry, etc., and hence they are introduced.
• The basis for the construction of galvanic cells is introduced. Also if corrosion is to be controlled, one has to understand the mechanism of corrosion which itself is explained by electrochemical theory.
• With the increase in demand, a wide variety of materials are coming up; some of them have excellent engineering properties and a few of these materials are introduced.
• Water is a basic material in almost all the industries, more so where steam is generated and also where it is supplied for drinking purposes.
• Materials used in major industries like the steel industry, metallurgical industries, and construction industries and electrical equipment manufacturing industries are introduced. Also, lubrication is introduced.
Engineering Chemistry 1st Year Notes pdf Download
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Suggested Books for Engineering Chemistry- 1st Year
- Engineering Chemistry by Jain and Jain; Dhanpat Rai Publication Co.
- Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal; Cambridge University Press, 2015 edition.
- Engineering Chemistry of Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., Vairam and others, 2014 edition (second).
- Engineering Chemistry by Prasanth Rath, Cengage Learning, 2015 edition.
- A textbook of Engineering Chemistry by S. S. Dara; S. Chand & Co Ltd., Latest Edition
- Applied Chemistry by H.D. Gesser, Springer Publishers
- Textbook of Nanoscience and nanotechnology by B.S. Murthy, P. Shankar, and others, University Press, IIM
- B. Siva Shankar, "Engineering Chemistry", Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Limited, 3rd Edition, 2015.
- S. S. Dara, Mukkanti, "Text of Engineering Chemistry", S. Chand & Co, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 2006.
- C. V. Agarwal, C. P. Murthy, A. Naidu, "Chemistry of Engineering Materials", Wiley India, 5th Edition, 2013.
- R. P. Mani, K. N. Mishra, "Chemistry of Engineering Materials", Cengage Learning, 3rd Edition, 2015.
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY SYLLABUS (CE, ME, PCE, PE, Met.E, Mining, Automobile, Aeronautical, Chemical,
Polymerisation:- Introduction- Mechanism of polymerization – Stereoregular polymers – methods of polymerization (emulsion and suspension) -Physical and mechanical properties –
Plastics as engineering materials : advantages and limitations –Thermoplastics and Thermosetting plastics – Compounding and fabrication (4/5 techniques)- Preparation, properties and applications of polyethene, PVC, Bakelite Teflon and polycarbonates Elastomers :- Natural rubber- compounding and vulcanization – Synthetic rubbers : Buna S, Buna N, Thiokol and polyurethanes – Applications of elastomers. Composite materials & Fiber reinforced plastics – Biodegradable polymers –Conducting
Fuels – Introduction – Classification – Calorific value – HCV and LCV – Dulong's formula – Bomb calorimeter – Numerical problems – Coal –– Proximate and ultimate analysis – Significance of the analyses – Liquid fuels – Petroleum- Refining – Cracking – Synthetic petrol –Petrol knocking – Diesel knocking – Octane and Cetane ratings – Anti-knock agents – Power alcohol – Bio-diesel – Gaseous fuels – Natural gas, LPG and CNG –Combustion – Calculation of air for the combustion of a fuel – Flue gas analysis – Orsat apparatus – Numerical problems on combustion. Explosives:- Rocket fuels
Galvanic cells – Reversible and irreversible cells – Single electrode potential – Electro chemical series and uses of this series- Standard electrodes (Hydrogen and Calomel electrodes) Concentration Cells – Batteries: Dry Cell – Ni-Cd cells – Ni-Metal hydride cells – Li cells – Zinc– air cells.
Corrosion:- Definition – Theories of Corrosion (chemical & electrochemical) – Formation of galvanic cells by different metals, by concentration cells, by differential aeration and waterline
corrosion – Passivity of metals – Pitting corrosion – Galvanic series – Factors which influence the rate of corrosion – Protection from corrosion – Design and material selection – Cathodic protection – Protective coatings: – Surface preparation – Metallic (cathodic and anodic) coatings – Methods of application on metals (Galvanizing, Tinning, Electroplating, Electroless plating).
Nanomaterials:- Introduction – Sol-gel method & chemical reduction method of preparation – Characterization by BET method and TEM methods – Carbon nano tubes and fullerenes: Types, preparation, properties and applications
Liquid crystals:- Introduction – Types – Applications
Superconductors:-Type –I, Type II – Characteristics and applications Green synthesis:- Principles – 3or 4 methods of synthesis with examples – R4M4 principles
Hard water:- Reasons for hardness – units of hardness – determination of hardness and alkalinity – Water for steam generation – Boiler troubles – Priming and Foaming, Scale formation, Boiler corrosion, Caustic embrittlement – Internal treatments – Softening of Hard water : Lime – Soda process, Zeolite process and numerical problems based on these processes and Ion Exchange process – Water for drinking purposes- Purification – Sterilization and disinfection : Chlorination, Break point chlorination and other methods – Reverse Osmosis and Electro Dialysis.
Refractories: – Definition, characteristics, classification, properties, failure of refractories Lubricants: – Definition, function, Theory, and mechanism of lubricants, properties (Definition and importance)
Cement: – Constituents, manufacturing, hardening and setting, deterioration of cement
Insulators: – Thermal and electrical insulators
Fuel cells: – Hydrogen Oxygen fuel cells – Methanol Oxygen fuel cells
Outcome: The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and their use in design would be understood. Fuels which are used commonly and their economics, advantages, and limitations are
discussed. Reasons for corrosion and some methods of corrosion control would be understood. The students would be now aware of materials like nanomaterials and fullerenes and their uses. Similarly, liquid crystals and superconductors are understood.
The importance of green synthesis is well understood and how they are different from conventional methods is also explained. The impurities present in raw water, problems associated with them and how to avoid them are understood. The advantages and limitations of plastic materials and their use in design would be understood. The commonly used industrial materials are introduced.
Engineering Chemistry by Jain and Jain 1st Year
👉🏻Download Jain and Jain Engineering Chemistry Book Pdf📝
The Units of the book are as follows:
1. Atoms and Molecules
2. Valence and Chemical Bonding
3. Nuclear Chemistry
4. Thermodynamics
5. Reaction Dynamics/Chemical Kinetics
6. Catalyst
7. Mechanism of Organic Reactions
8. Ionic Equillibrium
9. Electrochemistry
10. Electrochemical Cells
11. Phase Rule
12. Colloids
13. Transition Metal Chemistry
14. Metallurgy
15. Adhesives
16. Explosives and Propellants
17. Water Treatment
18. Fuels and Combustion
19. Silicate Te3chnology
20. Polymers
21. Paints
22. Solid State Chemistry
23. Chromatography
24. Instrumental methods of Analysis
25. Photochemistry
26. Role of Metals in Biology
27. Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimisation
B. tech 1st-year Chemistry Important Questions
- 2 litres of water obtained from a borewell in Patancheru near Hyderabad gave the following analysis for salts :- FeSO4 = 30.4 mg; CaSO4 = 13.6mg; MgCl2 = 38 mg; Ca(HCO3)2 = 32.4 mg; Mg(HCO3)2 = 14.6mg; NaCl = 11.7 mg.
- Find out the total hardness of the water in ppm units, giving temporary and permanent hardness assuming the atomic mass of Fe to be 56, that of Ca to be 40, that of Mg to be 24 and that of Na to be 23.
- What are the Constituents of petroleum? Describe the Origin of petroleum.
- Give an account of the production of petrol from crude oil.
- The analysis of fuel gases was found to contain the following percentage by Volume CO2=13%, O2 =6%. Find the air per kg of coal if the carbon content of coal is 85%.
- A producer gas has the following composition by volume. H2=10.4%, CH4 =35%, CO=25%, CO2=10.8%, N2=50.3%. Calculate the quantity of air re-quired per m3 of gas. If 20% excess air is supplied, find the percentage com- position of the products of combustion. [8+8]
- How are the refractories are classified? Give one example for each class.
- Write a note on the conditions leading to the failure of refractory material. [8+8] 8. Write a note on lubricants with special reference to their classification, mode of action, examples, and applications.
- What are the draw backs of raw rubber? How are its properties improved?
- How is Buna – S Rubber prepared? Write its uses.
- What is meant by the "softening" of water?
- How is the "Softening" of water carried out using the Zeolite Process?
- What is alkalinity of water due to and how it is estimated?
- Calculate the quantities (in Kgs) of lime and soda required to soften 50,000 liters of hard water containing the following salts:-
MgCl2 = 95 PPM; Mg(HCO3)2 = 146 PPM; CaSO4 = 136 PPM; Ca(HCO3)2 = 162 PPM - Assume that the lime used is only 85% pure and soda is only 95% pure and the molar masses of Mg(HCO3)2 and CaSO4 are respectively 146 and 136.
- What is coal? How it is formed? Discuss the qualities of good coal.
- Give the Classification of coal and explain each class with examples.
- With a neat diagram describe the orsat gas analysis method. What is the special precaution to be taken in the measurement?
- Define calorific values of a fuel. Distinguish gross and net calorific value. [8+8] 7. What are Refractories? Explain Thermal spalling, strength and porosity of the refractories.
- Explain the following two theories for the mechanism of the lubricants.
(a) Boundary lubrication
(b) Extreme pressure lubrication.
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